Ian Fleming

Not many people know that Fleming's production of Bond novels was severely hampered by having one hand stuck to his face.  Fleming's never going to feature on any list of great writers, but he struck lucky with endorsements from luminaries such as JFK.  And then two young producers suggested making a low budget movie of one of his books...  The rest is very lucrative film history.

True fact.  Fleming insisted that none of the plot of 'The Spy Who Loved Me' should be used on film.  Probably just as well.  Secret agent runs round a motel is not a great film plot.

Edmund Crispin (Bruce Montgomery)

Comic writer and also creator of much of the soundtrack music for the early 'Carry-On' films.  His detective, Gervase Fen, is eccentric, irascible and often wrong - all characteristics I aspire to.

Montague Rhodes James

Provost of Eton, Victorian and writer of some seriously scary short stories.   Also his story 'Casting the Runes' formed the basis for  Jacques Tourneur's 1957 film, 'Night of the Demon' ('Curse of the Demon' in the USA).  Great film, horribly creepy at times, but with an endearing monster.  In your face Stephen King.

Dorothy L Sayers

Simply because she was the best.  The best plots, the best descriptions, and most certainly in the formidable duo of Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane, the best detectives.  If you have never read Sayers, do yourself a favour and get going!

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